Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fresh paint on puppets, and Notes on Notes....

First, I want to welcome a new blogger - Shelley's husband Paul, who has launched Notes on Notes From Halfland, where he offers support to help bolster her in her ongoing effort to bring her vision to life. He's the president of a spiritual group whos focus seems to be to express your beliefs through action rather than words (hope I haven't mangled that too badly!). I'm looking forward to learning more about him and his group and beliefs if he chooses to discuss that. His second post was today, inspiring thoughts that inspired me to bust out the paint and get my hands dirty. In spite of the Januthon I'm supposed to be in the midst of, I haven't done anything for a few days. But tonight I painted Betty's legs and while I was at it gave her arms another coat to try to match the face a bit closer. I also worked over Huck's arms to try to get him to match better too... I like the way they're looking. Thank you Paul, your help is going farther than you might realize! No pics tonight though, it's really late and wet paint doesn't photograph very well anyway.


UbaTuber said...

Yeah, I think Januthon fizzled away....

Pics later tonight then? ;)

Shelley Noble said...

Wow, Mike! This is great! YOU understood what Paul said yesterday about small acts. It went over my head. He asked me after I read it whether I understood how it related to 1/2L. and I didn't! I just thought it was a very nice general post! LOL. Then he splained it was a suggestion that taking even a moment to do something on my project would open up new options and ideas. Then I explained that 5 minutes was impossible on projects of these types. But YOU got it!!! You worked it. I gotta catch up!!!