Sunday, July 08, 2012

Upcoming documentary about European puppetry arts

Byrne Power - Alaskan artist, filmmaker and puppetry enthusiast.

He has firsthand knowledge of the world of European puppet theater and puppetfilm (something I know about only from imported videos and from reading websites). Apparently he's been searching for a documentary that covers this fertile ground but has had no luck, and so he decided to make one himself. He seems to know the Quays and Svankmejer or at least to have connections with them and apparently they're willing to do interviews with him, assuming he manages to scrounge together the money he needs to get this thing off the ground.

Let's make it happen. Please donate what you can. We need this film to be made!

Here's a link to his campaign site: Gravity From Above


Jeff Lafferty said...

I saw this too Darkstrider, and it looks incredible. I'm defiantly in for a few bucks!

StopmoNick said...

I'm definitely (or possibly even defiantly?) on board with this! Good to see you featuring it in your blog Mike.

Darkmatters said...

Thanks, I'm distinctively and definitively glad to hear from you both!

UbaTuber said...

For $25 "I will send you a detailed map with directions and suggestions for visiting the most unusual puppet theatres in several countries in Europe."

StopMoe field trip!! :)

Darkmatters said...

Haha!!! Cool idea - but I could just see a bunch of us descending unannounced on Svankmajer's house... he'd probably call the police on us!!