Friday, June 22, 2007

Let there be light!!!

Here it is - the Lowel Pro-Light. It's something I've had my eye on for some time and tonight I just decided to go ahead and splurge. The linketty-link will take you to B&H Photo, where I purchased this sweet little piece of lighting bliss. It's fully focusable, from a flood to a spotlight, accepts barndoors and gels (purchased separately) and takes various bulbs with a wide range of wattage. Plus it can be converted (quite easily) to work with batteries or mounted to a camera's hotshoe. Quite a versatile little device, if you ask me! Of course, it hasn't arrived yet, so I can't tell you if it actually does what I need it to! Oh, and the price for the light with bulb plus barndoors, a spare 200 watt bulb, and a nifty Tota-Clamp and packet of 8 Gel-Jaws only set me back a cool $220! Not a bad purchase, pro-lightingwise! And now at last I get to have a super-cool pro-looking light with freakin' BARNDOORS hanging from my grid! Maybe THAT will jumpstart me back into some sense of motivation!

Many thanks to all my various webfriends who've kept me company (as much as I've allowed them to) and tried to keep my flagging spirits aloft - especially Kelly Mazurowski, one of my first animation buds who recently contacted me with a shot in the arm in the form of a super-inspiring talk about animating and his job over at Shadow Machine Films. Also, I've drawn a lot of comfort from reading all the blogs you fine people are running - you know who you are!


jriggity said...

Hey man,

cool beans....a new toy!

have fun with it.


Ben Stables said...

Cool Strider!

Shelley Noble said...

Great work, Kelly!!! Way to go! I couldn't get him out of the funk! Glad someone did!

Great post about the light, Mike. (this one and the next) Practical, helpful, expert reportage, as per U.
